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Increased Productivity and Flexibility Are Top Reasons Why Employees Aren't Interested in Return to Office

In a once-in-a-lifetime global moment, knowledge workers around the world simultaneously went remote for work as a result of the pandemic. The results of the world working remotely showed that employees were significantly more productive and much happier in their overall life satisfaction as a result of having more control over their free time.

Today nearly three years later since the pandemic started, the recent return to office backtrack being seen from some employers is being received by employees as tone deaf and unnecessary. Verve Partners explored reasons why employees don’t or simply won’t return to office and found that the flexibility and increased productivity were two top reasons. Read the full story here.

About us: Adventurely is a travel club for digital nomads & remote workers. Join us for a month-long Welcome Meetup in Mexico City, Oaxaca or Playa Del Carmen Mexico to connect with a group of like-minded remote workers for an incredible month of experiences blending work, adventure & play.