Join Adventurely at the Womens Travel Fest, March 3rd-March 5th in NYC!

NY!, Let’s do this! The Adventurely team is headed to the Womens Travel Fest to talk all things digital nomading for a panel on Sunday March 5th, 12:30-1:15pm on the main stage called “How to Travel with a Full Time Job” with our CEO & Founder Mita Carriman

The Women’s Travel Fest is the world’s largest event for solo female travelers, with a mission of inspiring, supporting and connecting women who love to travel. Over 3 days, we connect to share travel tips and tricks, designed to help you uplevel your travels and explore the world better.

We’re SO excited to be joining and to see some of our favorite women in travel ever! If you’d like to join, get tix at and use code “adventurely15” for 15% off!

About us: Adventurely is a travel club for digital nomads & remote workers. Join us for a month-long Welcome Meetup in Mexico City, Oaxaca or Playa Del Carmen Mexico to connect with a group of like-minded remote workers for an incredible month of experiences blending work, adventure & play.


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