Pass Basic requirements
4 hours long total minimum (5 hours preferred)
include at least 1 corresponding photo
contain accurate information by reasonable commercial standards.
share the street address for guests to accurately arrive at.
include a “Perk” or “Experience” combined with a minimum of 2 (two) hours of time for the customer to work remotely.
for the guest to work remotely at the premise of the Vendor, included in the base price.
Examples of Perks or Experiences to include in the pass are food/beverage, or access to amenities like pool or spa services, or access to classes or workshops, etc.
comes with reasonable expectation of wifi access included in the price with enough strength for basic web browsing & accessing email via internet browsers
Tax/gratuity must be included in the price or described in the listing
Pass finer Details:
must not be in violation of any other agreements of Vendor or in violation of any laws.
must accept and honor bookings from all guests 18 & older, regardless of and without discrimination by gender, race, religion or nationality.
must contain any Pass rules by Vendor which you can customize in your listing
must contain any safety considerations for end-user customers to be made aware of.
If wifi is not available at your premise for the pass, you must include written notice of this in your Pass listing and also inform customers that they will need to hotspot to wifi on their own devices to access wifi.
If you’re a hotel or accommodation provider, rooms may be offered for day use, but not overnight bookings.
If you’re a traditional Cowork office, offering only coffee or unlimited coffee & water in the price of your pass as a “perk” or “experience” is not considered a strong enough offering for an Adventurely day pass.
You can post 2 different listings on Adventurely relating to 1 property on your account as long as they are unique in promoting different experiences and aren’t duplicative