3 Things to Know about Montserrat: The Latest Caribbean Island to Offer a Digital Nomad Visa
The island of Montserrat is the latest Caribbean destination to open its borders to nomads formally with a 1 year digital nomad visa! A tiny island of only 39 square miles, here’s 3 things to know about this magical place:
The Volcano: It has an epic volcano presence called Soufrière Hills which is mostly dormant, but previously really affected its history: https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2013/05/soufriere-hills-volcano/100509/
Black Sand Beaches there are a thing: Here are 9 famous ones there to bookmark https://www.caribbeanandco.com/montserrats-black-sand-beaches
“Goat Water” (really a goat stew) is the national dish of Montserrat: get into it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO0WUsg2Wj0
Read more about the Montserrat Digital Nomad Visa announcement here: https://www.travelandleisure.com/travel-news/montserrat-year-long-work-remote-program
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