Celebrate International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia + Transphobia by Supporting these Queer Travel Companies
If you’ve been seeing the hashtag #IDAHOBIT around the web & social media today - its for good reason. Today is International Day Against Homophobia Biphobia, & Transphobia! At Adventurely we strongly and lovingly support the LGBTQ community in all their adventures around the world.
In celebrating the importance behind IDAHOBIT today, we know how important it is to support queer travel for the work we do. We came across an awesome curated list of thirty Queer travel companies and groups to know from the Nomadic Matt Blog that we thought would be cool to share to help support awareness.
Check it out here: nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/lgbt-travel-resources/
And remember to spread extra love today for the queer community!
🚩About Adventurely : Adventurely helps you meet activity partners for awesome adventures - locally, when you travel, and now for virtual experiences too!
How Adventurely works: Make a wishlist of things you want to do from our curated list of experiences (currently all virtual) and get matched with new friends to be your next activity partner to join you in doing them.